cd /tmp wget mkdir /tmp/ipp-tmp cd /tmp/ipp-tmp tar xf /tmp/l_ipp_ia32_itanium_p_4_1_2.tar su apt-get update apt-get install rpm mkdir -p /opt/intel/licenses cp /opt/intel/licenses ./install Menu: Choose 1: (Intel(R) IPP 4.1 for Linux* on Intel(R) Pentium(R) and Itanium(R) processors) tmp path: press enter for default: (/tmp/ipp_ia32_itanium) (At this point, it loads the rpm into memory) License: press enter, press q, type accept, press enter (At this point, it writes the rpm into the tmp directory above) Cannot get shared lock on RPM database. Press enter. Main menu: press x, enter rpm2cpio /tmp/ipp_ia32_itanium/intel-ipp_ia32_itanium-4.1pu-16.x32.rpm | cpio -i --make-directories The IPP libraries and header files are now successfully installed